Development of technologies for beneficiation of ores and non-metallic materials of natural and technogenic deposits
production of mining and processing equipment
Turkenich A.M.
The company was founded in 1992. The founder of the company Turkenich Alexander Mikhailovich (06/26/1937 – 11/11/2009) Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Mineral Processing Department of the Dnepropetrovsk National Mining University. Traditionally, magnetic barrier and magnetic roller separators manufactured by the company are called “Turkenich” in honor of their creator.
The company specializes in: research into the beneficiation of ores and non-metallic materials, development of technologies for the beneficiation of ores from natural and man-made deposits, expert assessment of beneficiation factories of existing and planned enterprises, production of mining and processing equipment.
The produced original equipment has no analogues and is protected by patents. Possesses high technical and technological indicators. To ensure reliable and long-term operation of the equipment, components and components from world manufacturers are used.
If necessary, when developing new technologies and equipment, in order to achieve high enrichment rates, work is carried out jointly with leading European scientists and specialists.
The equipment produced by the company is designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the customer. To achieve the necessary technical and technological indicators, the equipment is tested in laboratory or semi-industrial conditions.