Centrifugal crushers


Centrifugal impact mills are used for grinding hard materials of high strength, including: granite, basalt, metal-containing slag, glass, quartzite, slag, clinker, etc.,

The main application of crushers is associated with the processing of rock mass into crushed stone or ores for ore preparation at processing plants. Centrifugal impact mills (crushers) produce a product with a low content of flaky grains (up to 10%), predominantly cuboid, since crushers use the principle of “free impact of stone on stone”. Also crushers of this type are used for crushing abrasive materials, durable materials and some ferroalloys.


In ore preparation, centrifugal grinding provides a significantly better opening of mineral grains from the rock, that is, it allows you to build a more efficient enrichment technology than traditional crushing by crushing.
The maximum feed size is up to 40 mm. The size of the finished product and productivity depends on the task and properties of the material.